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The Beauty of Braids Workshop is designed to inspire creativity, braiding techniques, entrepreneurship, life skills, and knowledge of the beauty industry. The curriculum is a combination of hands-on interactive activities, guest speaker lectures and hair models. These objectives are based on a positive change in the behavior of all participants to encourage entrepreneurship and set business goals. As a result of the skills learned at this workshop, will help improve the quality of life for each participant. This will build their self-confidence and they are empowered with the knowledge they need for a future in the beauty industry. The goal for this workshop is to provide an outlet for youth who are interested in the beauty industry, to have the experience of working in a hair salon and learning the latest techniques in hair braiding. Also, to achieve being their personal best in any endeavor whether it’s hair care or life skills. To inspire them to have fun doing it, while promoting confidence and positive self-image.
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